Don & Susie will be retiring from these positions at the close of 2024. To thank them for their years of service, this video was played at the 2024 UPBC Annual Meeting. As you watch, join us in thanking God for providing them to camp and pray for them as they make this transition!
Don & Susie are third and second generation servants at UPBC and are so grateful for the examples that were set for them. “We watched as our parents and grandparents worked diligently to help provide a place where people could have a Northwoods camping experience and while here, an opportunity to come face to face with their Creator, Savior, and Lord. It was a labor of love and the goal was to see people come to faith in Jesus Christ. There are many others that worked just as diligently and God has blessed this ministry in a great way!”
Retreat Season Manager, Kitchen Manager
We are humbled and privileged to help carry on the work at UPBC. We have been involved for many years in many different capacities. Currently Susie is the manager of all of the year-round food services at the camp. She finds it especially rewarding to work with and mentor the staff girls each summer. Don is mostly involved in coordinating the retreat season which also involves working with rental groups. God has provided UPBC opportunities to reach deeper into our U.P. community than ever before due to our year-round presence and all glory goes to Him. It’s especially rewarding for Don to see new people coming each year and through word of mouth, reaching out to others and introducing them to UPBC.
Susie and Don would love to continue at the camp for years to come in whatever capacity God would have for them. Thank you for your prayers and love for the UPBC ministry.
UPBC wants every penny you give to go to the missionaries. This is why we prefer to receive checks (or bill-pay) over online donations, as making online donations via credit card results in processing fees. However, we get it! Online payments are quick and easy via the button at the bottom of the screen. Checks should be made out to “UPBC Missions Committee” and sent to the address below.
UPBC Missions Committee
PO Box 293
Little Lake MI 49833
To designate your donation to a specific missionary's fund, please specify using their fund number. Please do not use the specific missionary's name in your designation. Don & Susie's Fund Number is #193. For further questions about the donation process or to set up automatic bill-pay call the camp office at 906-346-6165 Ext.1 or email Thank you for your support.