Katie joined our missionary staff in the fall of 2019 and her joyful personality has been a blessing to our office! She handles all kinds of tasks including phone calls, paperwork, registration, housing, and much more. The position she’s serving in is crucial to our operations as she’s often the first point of contact for parents and campers.
Office Manager
I first learned about UPBC through a friend from college who grew up attending camp, but it wasn’t until I was in need of an internship that I first served at UPBC in 2016. My first day at camp I was tasked with spring cleaning the Quiet Place. While I was dusting away spider webs and looking out onto Farmer Lake, I knew that UPBC was going to be in my life for a long time. That summer I was able to serve and get to know camp in various ways including counseling at Girls Camp, working as a summer staff intern, and helping with bookkeeping and housekeeping. Through all of this, the Lord was stirring in me a passion for this ministry and the U.P.
I grew up in Wadsworth, IL, where I attended church with my family and was very involved in youth ministry. It was through my involvement with that group that I made a decision to commit my life to Jesus. I eventually became the Administrative Assistant for the Youth Pastor at my church and that’s when I realized my passion for both youth ministry and office work. During my first two summers of college I served with the summer staff at Lake Geneva Youth Camp. This experience sparked a love for camp ministry in me.
I’m so excited to serve alongside the UPBC Missionary Staff as the Office Manager and to have this opportunity to serve camp and the people of the U.P.!
UPBC wants every penny you give to go to the missionaries. This is why we prefer to receive checks (or bill-pay) over online donations, as making online donations via credit card results in processing fees. However, we get it! Online payments are quick and easy via the button at the bottom of the screen. Checks should be made out to “UPBC Missions Committee” and sent to the address below.
UPBC Missions Committee
PO Box 293
Little Lake MI 49833
To designate your donation to a specific missionary's fund, please specify using their fund number. Please do not use the specific missionary's name in your designation. Katie's Fund Number is #197. For further questions about the donation process or to set up automatic bill-pay call the camp office at 906-346-6165 Ext.1 or email info@upbiblecamp.org. Thank you for your support.