Girls ages 9–12 kickoff their camp experience with this one-week session. Caring counselors provide an easy introduction to camp life for the younger girls while also creating exciting times for older campers.

We have fun!  Music, skits, Bible studies, crafts, games, and more are all part of the mix. Campers will have the opportunity to use the waterfront and try riflery, archery, the climbing tower, and many other activities that UPBC has to offer.

Girls Camp usually includes a day trip to one of the U.P.'s many beautiful attractions. Previous excursions have been to the Autrain River/Lake Superior area, Laughing Whitefish waterfall, and Presque Isle in Marquette.




July 5-12, 2025

$295 Camp Fee (due at check-in on July 5)
$40 Registration Fee

Ages, 9-12


"I first attended UPBC as a family camper and have been involved (as a camper, summer staff member, counselor, or cook) every summer since then. I love being the Girls Camp director and am looking forward to another great week this summer! It's my prayer that each girl will hear of God's deep love and His great plan of salvation through Jesus Christ." —Julie Heldman